Connect and Recharge Retreat 2023

28th September - 1st October

Take the Friday off and join us for a refreshing getaway

Enjoy 4 star accommodation in at the beautiful Flaxmill bay Hideaway spot, connect with others and get some new insights into work and walking with God, wherever you are on your spiritual journey.

Date/Time: 8pm Thursday 28th September – 2pm Sunday 1 October

Venue: Flaxmill, 1031 Purangi Road, Flaxmill Bay, Coromandel

Cost: $360 Early Bird Registration, ($150 deposit on registration, balance to be paid by 27 Aug) $390 Thereafter. 

$50 discount for those flying in for the retreat

Download a flier here.

Any questions feel free to contact us at

Our annual retreat is a chance to enjoy 4 star accommodation in a beautiful spot, connect with others and get some new insights into work and walking with God, wherever you are on your spiritual journey. There will also be plenty of time to have fun and explore the area! Our speaker, Roger Osbaldiston, has led several large multinational teams and is passionate about leveraging his experience to help workplace leaders grow personally, professionally, and spiritually for increasing impact. In fact, he has just published a book on the topic! Roger studied economics, politics, and geography at the University of Auckland and worked in trade economic analysis for the New Zealand government before joining the nonprofit sector. He is married to Nicki and they have two adult sons. Roger enjoys great food and coffee, especially in new cities around the world!